DODEA Grant - Supporting Our Students



                    New DODEA Grant 2021-2026  "RAMP-UP Wellness"     ramp up logo
                 Readiness in Academic, Mental and Personal Wellness


    SCUC-ISD is proud to be the recipient of a new Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) MSCAP grant! The $1.5 million grant will focus on the readiness of our military-connected students in the areas of academic, mental and physical health. The grant will assist students in grades K-12 in fourteen of our qualifying schools. Schools must have a 10% population of active duty and civilians working on an installation (determined by Impact Aid cards sent home to every district family every year in the fall.) 


    SCUC-ISD was recently notified that we have been awarded a $1.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA.)


    This is a five-year, K-12 grant that will begin on Sept 30, 2021-May 31, 2026. 

    Project RAMP-UP Wellness (Readiness in Academic, Mental, and Personal Wellness) seeks to successfully meet three goals:

              (1) increase science achievement for elementary-aged military- connected students,

              (2) increase science achievement for secondary-aged military-connected students, and

              (3) improve mental and physical health and wellness for secondary-aged military-connected students.


    The goals will be achieved by employing a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) framework to identify and support military-connected students who are just entering the district and/or at-risk of not meeting proficiency the Texas state accountability science test.


    Some specific strategies and supports include: (a) timely science and social-emotional screeners for military-connected students entering the district, (b) frequent academic and social-emotional wellness records reviews, (c) STEAM labs/makerspaces for innovative instruction, (d) extracurricular STEAM and Wellness clubs and activities to promote achievement, belonging, and overall wellness, (e) Supplemental health science/wellness instructional supports, and (f) Military Support Specialists to ease transitions, promote wellness, provide supports, and assist military-connected students, their families, and teachers.


    Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD seeks to provide an atmosphere for all students to be inspired, innovate, and excel. DoDEA funds will support our mission to empower all our students to fulfill their lifelong potential through inspiring learning experiences.


    The grant will support two amazing Military Support Specialists (MSS), Tina Barber and Ronnie Williamson. Dee Thomas will serve as the Grant Project Director. We also have two incredible paraprofessionals, Ms. Lisa Nogle and Ms. Hannah Tellez who support goal one of the grant, specifically in building and organizing our STEAM Makerspace Kits K-6. They also deliver and pick up the kits, and work as instructional support in the classrooms when the Makerspace Kits are being used. These paraprofessionals assist the students and teachers throughout the instruction.


    The school year 2021-2022 served as a planning year for the RAMP-UP Wellness teams with the roll-out beginning in August 2022. We sincerely appreciate this partnership grant with DoDEA and know that this will positively impact all of our students!


     Artifact: Standing Strong, Standing Together      Artifact: Joint Base San Antonio  


    "Standing Strong - Standing Together"  DoDEA & SCUC-ISD Partnership Grant 2016-2021

    In August 2016, Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City received a five year/$1.5 million dollar grant from the US Department of Defense Education Activity (DODEA) to support our military-connected students in grades 7-12 ending in August 2021.

    SCUC-ISD  successfully met two parallel goals in this project: (1) increase the level of social and emotional supports for military dependent students at Dobie and Ray D. Corbett Junior High Schools and (2) increase the level of social and emotional supports for military dependent students at Byron P. Steele and Samuel Clemens High Schools.  The goals will be achieved through establishing peer-to-peer support programs and the provision of two full-time military transition consultants based in the schools.

    Ms. Dee Ann Thomas was the DODEA Project Director responsible for the oversight and implementation of this grant and serves as a liaison for the campuses and Joint Base San Antonio. Working with the district, DODEA, the installation School Liaison Offices, this position was a primary resource for all military-connected families.


    Meet our Military Student Transition Consultants (MSTC)

    MSTCs photo  

     Serving our military-connected students and families at Dobie Junior High School and Steele High School MSS is Col. Ronnie Williamson (US Army Ret.).
     Mrs. Tina Barber, is our MSS supporting our mil-connected students and families at Corbett Junior High School and Clemens High School.  The MSS positions are grant funded and the acroymn stands for Military Support Specialist. They also serve as a resource for our K-6 schools and counselors as well.


    Dee Ann Thomas, M.Ed. Education Admin.Leadership/Curriculum & Instruction

    DODEA Project Director/Grant Manager

    DoDEA logo  SCUC ISD - Marion Dolford Learning Center
                      200 W. Schlather Street
                      Cibolo, TX 78109

                      (210) 945-6275