News & Updates


    Welcome to all NEW Military-Connected
    Students and Families!

    We are thrilled that you will be a part of the SCUC-ISD family! We have many systems in place to support you!


    U.S. Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) Awards SCUC-ISD with NEW Grant!logo for RAMP UP grant

    SCUC-ISD was awarded a large grant from the U.S. Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA.)This is a five-year, K-12 grant that will begin on Sept 30, 2021- May 31, 2026. 

    Project RAMP-UP Wellness (Readiness in Academic, Mental, and Personal Wellness) seeks to successfully meet two goals:

    (1) increase science achievement for elementary  and secondary military- connected students,

    (2) improve personal wellness for all military-connected students and non-military-connected students in SCUC-ISD.

    The goals will be achieved by employing a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) framework to identify and support military-connected students who are just entering the district and/or at risk of not meeting proficiency in the Texas state accountability science test. Some specific strategies and supports include (a) timely science and social-emotional screeners for military-connected students entering the district, (b) frequent academic and social emotional wellness records reviews,
    (c) K-6 STEAM makerspace kit in class for innovative instruction, (d) extracurricular STEAM and Wellness clubs and activities to promote achievement, belonging, and overall wellness at K-12 campuses, (e) Supplemental health science/wellness instructional support, and (f) Military Support Specialists to ease transitions, promote wellness, provide supports, and support  military -connected students, their families, and teachers.

    Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD seeks to provide an atmosphere for all students to be inspired, innovate, and excel. DoDEA funds will support our mission to empower all our students to fulfill their lifelong potential through inspiring learning experiences.

    The grant will maintain the two amazing Military Support Specialists (MSS) Tina Hidy and Ronnie Williamson. Also joining our team will be three amazing paraprofessionals who will be in class Makerspace Kit instructional support and part of the DoDEA MAKERSPACE KIT TEAM: Lisa Nogle, Hannah Tellez, and TBA.
    Dee Thomas will continue to serve as the Grant Project Director.  We are in year two of the grant this school year and are busy building, transporting, and providing instructional support for our K-6 STEAM Makerspace boxes, supporting our new DoDEA grant afterschool clubs, and planning for upcoming RAMP UP Wellness district events!

       students with banner 
    cience, Technology, Engineering & Math for KIDS of ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY PERSONNEL

    Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD is the proud recipient of an innovative STEMKAMP (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics for Kids of Active Military Personnel) grant, as part of a Department of Defense allocation, which will provide a weeklong summer camp designed around hands-on experiences in STEM-Related fields. Only ten military-connected school districts were chosen to receive funding for the grant in years 2021-2023.

    With this partnership, SCUC ISD will be able to offer the summer camp for three years to approximately 75-150 eligible third through eighth graders each year, staffed by district teachers and staff who will be fully trained and paid for by the grant. All supplies for the week and funds for a field trip are also included in the allocation. The camps will offer hands-on learning experiences and exposure to STEM-related fields, and opportunities for students to practice critical thinking, problem-solving, laboratory skills, and higher-order thinking skills. Military-connected and additional non-military students will be eligible to attend.

    According to Goshen Education Consulting, Inc., collaborating with iBIO, created the program, “…based on published research data showing that students who express an early interest (by eighth grade) in pursuing a STEM career are two to three times more likely to graduate with a STEM college degree.”

    NEW UPDATE!!! SCUC-ISD was notified that Goshen Education and DODSTEM will maintain our increased our 2023 STEMKAMP enrollment number of  200!!!!

    This is an increase of 50 students who will be able to come experience STEMKAMP with us in June 2023.  Information and registration will begin in the spring! WATCH our FB page and SCUC-ISD social media sites for information!

     2023 STEMKAMP DATES June 5-9, 2023!



    2026 grant logo airplane

    At the secondary level, grades 7-12, SCUC-ISD had a five-year US Department of Defense Education Activity grant, which provided us with two full-time military student transition consultants (MSTC) who were assigned to the junior high schools and high schools.  The SCUC-ISD Board of Trustees has extended their service for 2021-2022 and they will continue on as a part of our new 2021-2026 Ramp-Up Wellness grant. They are here to help guide you in your new school surroundings, assist you in whatever you may need, and also connect you with other students. If you are moving on from SCUC-ISD, our MSTCs can assist you in getting current information and contacts at your new school. 

    We Serve Too!

    usa heart

    If you are in grades K-6 many of our elementary and intermediate schools have WE SERVE TOO Clubs! This is a fun and active club that will also have community service projects. Parents, if you are interested in supporting your campus' WE SERVE TOO club,  please contact your campus school counselor! We are also looking for squardons or units who would like to sponsor campus WE SERVE TOO clubs!

     Blue Star Books
    Free books and resources for military families to include FREE CARIBU Subscriptions for Active Duty, Activities to Beat Boredom, Helpful Reading Tips for Parents, and COVID-19 Helpful Resources ttps://

    TEA logo  TEA has a dedicated webpage to update the public on Covid-19 information regarding safety and schooling in TX.


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    SCUC-ISD Military-Connected Students & Families/DoDEA Grant:


     MC children have.....




  • SCUC-ISD Student to Student (s2s) Groups Celebrate Veterans Day 2018!

    Posted by Dee Thomas on 11/11/2018

    Veteran's Day is an important holiday around SCUC ISD! All of our secondary campuses' s2s (Student to Student) clubs helped support campus celebrations!

    Samuel Clemens Veteran's Day 2018

    Samuel Clemens High School-Veteran's Day 2018

    Dobie Junior High 2018

    Dobie Junior High-Veteran's Day 2018


    Corbett 2018

    Corbett Junior High-Veteran's Day 2018


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  • SCUC-ISD Team Attends Washington D.C. Military Child Education Coalition National Training Seminar 2018

    Posted by Valleri Merrill on 7/31/2018

    In July, a team of teachers, counselors and administrators attended the anniual Military Child Education Coalition's National Training Seminar in Washington, D.C. This year's theme was Military Connected Children: Strong Roots and Sustainable Futures. Trending topics at the conference included: social-emotional learning, character development, school transitions, supporting children with special needs, youth in the digital age, and focus on children: Grief and Suicide. 

    Mrs. Karen Pence, the wife of Vice President Pence presented three military-connected students with special fine arts awards and the seminar also included several flag officers from the Pentagon spoke on the importance of supporting military families and how it affects military readiness.  

    General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr., the Chairman of The Joint Staff, with his wife, Ellyn Dunford and S2S students discussed leadership, service and civic responsibility. See the clip:


    Dr. Anne K. Fishel, author and Director of Family & Couples Therapy Program at Massachusetts General Hopsital, Assoc. Professor of Pyschology at Harvard Medical School and Co-Founder of The Family Dinner Project, spoke on Harnessing the Power of Family Dinners to Create Strong and Healthy Families.  Hear her session here:
    DC Thornton and Henry Moore and Polit Haddis

    Toye Merrill and Toye


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